Bad Ass Businesses and Ass-ociations
Those who make it possible

East Mountain Veterinary Service
Located in Edgewood, NM -Dr. Lane Dixon is one best and most friendly vets we have ever met.

Kay's RV
The go to stop for RVs, and Campers in New Mexico. A long time locally owned business, stop by and support them

Sandia Trailer Sales and Service
Another great locally owned bad ass business. They always service our horse trailers. Lights, wheel bearings, or any other needs you have- they will be there for you.

Trailhead Supply
They are your full-service online packing supply store. They don't just sell packing supplies. They stand behind every product they sell, and we use them!
Headsweats- World Leader in Performance Apparel
We use their custom shop for our race jerseys and they have amazing customer service. Of course they have lots of awesome gear for running and the outdoors as well.

Rio Grande Mule and Donkey Association
A great organization bringing mule and donkey owners together for events, fun, and education.

Pit Viper Sunglasses
Do not allow people to dim your shine because they are blinded. Tell them to put on some sunglasses because we were born this way. - Lady Gaga